Convey your deepest love for your dear ones this Raksha Bandhan by ordering online Enticing Stone Rakhi with 2 Tier Arrangement of Bamboo Plant with KitKat n a Puja Thali added with free Rakhi Card and free Roli Tilak and Chawal complemented with your love. This Rakhi celebration pack contains:
1. Set of 2 Stone studded Rakhi
2. 2 Tier Lucky Bamboo Plant with 12pc Kitkat Chocolate Arrangement (10 gm. each)
3. A Traditional Rakhi Pooja Thali
3. Complimentary Roli Tika n Chawal
5. Complimentary Rakhi Card with personalized message.
Earliest Delivery : 3-FebSmall Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.